Laura Russell

Software Engineer

Hero image

My name is Laura Russell and I am a Software Engineer in the San Francisco Bay Area, with a particular knack for clean and concise front-end development. I'm always looking to grow as a developer and continue adding frameworks and technologies to my toolbelt. When I'm not coding, you can find me walking my dog or on a roadtrip with a front seat full of gatorade and goldfish.

My Workflow

I've adopted a work flow that starts with big ideas and gets implemented in little steps.


  • User Stories
  • Trello
  • Wire frames


  • Reliable frameworks including
  • Rails
  • Node
  • Express


  • Git
  • Github


  • Ruby
  • JavaScript
  • jQuery
  • Angular
A Few Short Miles Image

A Few Short Miles

A Few Short Miles is an app I created for military families to uphold a strong community through team-focused exercise while a loved one is deployed. Users specify their home base and their loved one's deployment location upon creating an account, which then filters out which teams they can join so that their teammates are within their own community.

I built this app myself from start to finish, using Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap, and gems including Bcrypt, Simple Calendars, and HighCharts.

See it live: A Few Short Miles

Login username: laura & password: password

Within Reach

A mobile-friendly app that I created with three other developers in one week, geared toward users who rely on Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) as part of their recovery process for eating disorders. My contributions were backend-focused, including setting up the models, controllers, routes, self-joining associations, and front-end partials. Built with Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL, JavaScript, jQuery, SASS, Materialize, and gems including Kaminari and Bcrypt.

See it live: Within Reach

Login as a patient username: LRussell & password: password

Login as a professional username: CJ & password: password

Within Reach Image
The Best Hour Image

The Best Hour

A full stack app that I created with one other developer in one week, designed so users can check out happy hour reviews in San Francisco. The vast majority of the backend of this project was spent pair programming either together or over Screenhero, however, I took on the front-end design for the happy hour review pages. Built with MongoDB, Express, Node.js, Materialize, Javascript, and jQuery.

See it live: The Best Hour

Let's get in touch!

Reach out with any questions and inquiries

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